
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

English smt 2

Tugas uas
Bahasa inggris

Disusun Oleh
Miar Trianingsih      (1815106304)



                                    Nama Sekolah         : .........................
                                    Mata Pelajaran         : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester        : II/2
Pokok Bahasan       : Pengalaman
                                    Alokasi Waktu          : 2 x 35 menit
                                    Pertemuan                : 1 (Satu)

  1. Standar Kompetensi
1.      Memahami teks fungsional pendek dan deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik.

  1. Kompetensi Dasar :
1.1    Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat dan berterima.

  1. Indikator :
1. Kognitif
a.      Produk
§  Menceritakan pengalaman kebiasaan baik sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris.
§  Memahami isi cerita pendek sangat sederhana.
§  Melakukan percakapan tentang pengalaman.
§  Menanggapi cerita pengalaman teman.

b.      Proses
Mengklasifikasikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan tidak menyenangkan.

2. Psikomotor
§  Membaca cerita pendek dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.
§  Bercakap-cakap dengan kalimat sederhana tentang pengalaman.
§  Menanggapi cerita pengalaman teman.

3.   Afektif
Mengembangkan kepribadian yang berkarakter: Saling tolong menolong, Peduli (caring), Percaya diri (confidence), Bertanggung jawab (responsibility), Jujur (fairnes), Ketulusan (honesty), dan saling menghargai antar sesama.

  1. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
§  Siswa dapat menceritakan pengalaman kebiasaan baik sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris.
§  Siswa dapat memahami isi cerita pendek sangat sederhana.
§  Siswa dapat melakukan percakapan tentang pengalaman.
§  Siswa dapat menanggapi cerita pengalaman teman.

Siswa dapat mengklasifikasikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan tidak menyenangkan.

§  Siswa dapat membaca cerita pendek dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar.
§  Siswa dapat bercakap-cakap dengan kalimat sederhana tentang pengalaman.
§  Siswa dapat menanggapi cerita pengalaman teman.

Terlibat dalam proses belajar mengajar berpusat pada siswa, paling tidak siswa dinilai membuat kemajuan dalam menunjukkan rasa saling tolong menolong, Peduli (caring), Percaya diri (confidence), Bertanggung jawab (responsibility), Jujur (fairnes), Ketulusan (honesty), dan saling menghargai antar sesama.

Keterampilan Sosial
Terlibat dalam proses belajar mengajar berpusat pada siswa, paling tidak siswa dinilai membuat kemajuan dalam menunjukkan keterampilan sosial berfikir kritis, menyumbang ide, menanggapi cerita teman, mengungkapkan pendapat, dan menjadi pendengar yang baik.

E.   Materi

  1. Model dan Metode Pembelajaran :
Model Pembelajaran          :Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif.
Metode Pembelajaran       :Role Playing, Total Physical Response (TPR), Diskusi, Tanya jawab, Pemberian tugas.

  1. Alat dan Bahan :
·         Buku Sumber:
§  Srinatin dan Cahyaningsih.  2007. Pembelajaran Terpadu TEMATIK Buku 2. Jakarta: CV Fajar Wahana Ilmu.
·         Alat dan bahan: Flashcards; tema Experience

H.   Teaching and Learning
Introduction (± 10 minutes)
1.    Asking students are they have gone to puncak.
2.    Inviting students to sing a song " Naik-naik ke puncak gunung " with the full joyous.
3.    Asking students to mention one of the few experiences in the song.
§   What is the experience in the song?
§   What climb the top of the mountain is an experience pleasant or unpleasant? Why?
§  Is it seen in the song?
Motivating students by asking:
§  Tell me the most enjoyable experience?
While others required attention to students who recounts a thoroughly enjoyable (to be good listeners, to appreciate a friend who is speaking).
4.     Guide students to translate into English based on the experience they've ever experienced with looking in the dictionary or ask a friend who already know the meaning (helping each other).
5.    Communicating the purpose of learning products, processes, psychomotor, social skills, and character.

Nucleus (± 45 minutes)
6.    By using flashcards themed experience, the teacher introduces vocabulary (Introducing stage) with a clear and correct speech, the teacher gives an example of the pronunciation of the vocabulary with proper grammar (modeling stage).
7.    Teachers train students to pronounce vocabulary with listen and repeat activity, students simulate what is exemplified by the teacher. Teachers train students to students is clear and correct pronunciation (practicing stage).

Teacher            : Go to library
Students          : Go to library

Teacher            : Follow singing contest
Students          : Follow singing contest

8.    Students taking one flashcards from teachers and then make a short story about experience with the vocabulary they have learned from flashcards.
9.    Students read the short story that has been made in front of the class (applying stage) while other students listen and look closely.

Closing (± 15 minutes)
10. Teacher guide students to giving opinion about short story their friends and than students summarize the acquired vocabulary and their meanings individually (training responsibility, honesty, caring, and help friends who have difficulty making a summary)
11. Giving rewards to students who perform well.
12. Giving the home work individually make a list of enjoyable experiences and unpleasant experience ever experienced.

I.      Learning Resources
1.    Syllabus
2.    Student book      : Experience
3.    LKS: Experience

Name :                                                                      
Class :
Date   :


Make a short story, use vocabulary from flashcards!

A.   Learning Objectives
1.    Students can read the vocabulary with the correct pronounsiation.
2.    Students can share a conversation with a simple sentence about the experience.

B.   Material   : 

C.   Activity Worksheet
Make a short story based on the vocabulary (vocabulary) that exist in the flashcards. then read a short story that was made in front of the class.

D.   Observation
Observe stories read by other students, give your opini and record the vocabulary that appears conversation in these and their meanings.

Work Sheet

1.    Make a short story!


1.    Makeing a short story          : Creative / Not Creative
2.    Writing                                   : Neat and clear / No
3.    Appearance                          : Good / Bad

2.    Observations Appearances Other Groups
·         Opini


3.    Home work
Make a list of enjoyable experiences and unpleasant experiences!
enjoyable experiences
Unpleasant experiences

Examples of Short Stories:
One day, hamzah and fawwaz met grandma. She will cross on the street.

Hamzah and Fawwaz helped grandma cross on the street.


Grandma said thanks to Hamzah and Fawwaz.



Example of conversation:
Helping Friend
Lisa     : Nida, you helped andi.
Nida    : I’m sympatic with him.
Lisa     : Andi’s house was blooded.
Nida    : What? Andi’s house was blooded.
Lisa     : May be his book has wet.
Nida    : Why not told to our teacher.
Lisa     : I’m scare.
Nida    : Don’t worry.
Lisa     : Okkay.
Nida    : Come on. We help Andi.




Liric Song

Naik-naik ke puncak gunung

Naik-naik ke puncak gunung
Tinggi-tinggi sekali

Naik-naik ke puncak gunung
Tinggi-tinggi sekali

Kiri, kanan, kulihat saja
Banyak pohon cemara

Kiri, kanan,kulihat saja
Banyak pohon cemara

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